My Healthy Morning

I believe that a healthy day starts with a great morning But there are so many morning routines everyone says is best, and often, they are hard to stick with. After so many years of trying things and seeing what has worked for me and what hasn’t, I wanted to share what has worked for me in the hopes that it helps you start every day off great too. Here it is:

1. Wake up early: This is an easy one. Wake up with the sun. Our ancestors all did this, and they were extremely healthy, had low anxiety, and slept great. Waking up with the sun (or earlier) helps with our circadian rhythm. It helps us keep stress low, and can help us keep excess weight off. Long story short: wake up early. 

2. Drink Water: When we wake up, we are super dehydrated. Chugging a full glass of cold water can help wake us up more than coffee, because it wakes up our brains.

3. Move: In order to be creative, think clearly, and increase our mood, we want to get the blood flowing throughout our brain and body. And the only way to do this is to get our body moving. This simple thing will make a huge difference.

4. Gratitude: In the modern world, it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life. And it's easy to forget the amazing life we actually have, with social media causing us to compare our life with people's highlight reels. You'd be surprised how happy you can be if you just take 30 seconds to think about the blessings you have currently.

5. Most Important Task: As early as possible, get your most important task of the day done firs thing, because as the day goes on, there are sure to be distractions and things to knock you off course, but if you get the most important task of the day out of the way first, it will make all the rest seem less annoying.


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